Grassy Knoll - Cedar Stumps
From the Grassy Knoll Trailhead, walk south from the Grassy Knoll Trailhead and climb up a gentle slope into the forest. The trail south from the parking lot is not the correct trail.
The trail climbs a bit and then begins to descent along a gentle ridgeline then drops down on the east side of the ridge. The grade is fairly consistent for the first 0.5 mile and is easy to follow. There are vine maples and wild roses with a few patches of thimbleberries growing along the trail. There are some nice views down the slopes of the ridge and there are some old-growth trees mixed in with second growth trees.
The trail climbs a bit as it tops the ridge for a bit then drops down on the west side of the ridge and comes out on Forest Road 68 and Forest Road 6808. This intersection is called Triangle Pass and the boundary of the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area is nearby.
Walk about 320 feet west on Forest Road 6808 and look for a faint trail at the left shoulder of the road going gently uphill into the forest. Follow this trail which descends northeast then mostly east below a ridge.
At 0.7 mile from FR6808 the trail meets the ridge and crosses a small saddle. Turn left here and walk through the forest and descend in the shallow gully that drops from the saddle. In just over 500 feet you will reach FR580 which has been decommissioned. Turn right here and follow the old road gently downhill through a lush forest of hemlocks, cedars, maples, and dogwoods.
At 0.6 mile down the old road you will pass an all-year stream and come to a wide spot with a nice all-year stream flowing and accessible. This is also a wide, almost flat spot that can provide a camp.
Continuing down the old road you will pass beneath a green canopy of trees, cross over another stream in a culvert and come to a road junction. Turn left here and continue downhill to Lost Creek.
Lost Creek should have stepping stones but if not there is a possible log crossing upstream a bit and to the right.
Once across Lost Creek there is a car camping spot about 300 feet along the trail. Once past the car camping spot, walk the Forest Road for about 500 feet to where it joins Forest Road 68.
This trail can be accessed from the bottom almost all year and could be a snowshoe route to Grassy Knoll.